Bill Shewman

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Artist, Bill Shewman

Bill studied fine-art at Indiana University in the 1960’s and has been a working artist for over 35 years. He works in multiple genres including murals, illustrations, paintings and relief prints.  He has had one-man shows, participated in exhibits and won awards in multiple venues including Artlink Gallery, The Heartland Gallery, and Artprize.

Artist’s Statement:

Each of my pursuits is a unique discipline and I value the variety of expressions they allow.  I do not usually try to make specific sociological or political observations with my work.  I think there are already plenty of catalysts for that all around us.  I simply want my work to do two things:  make you look…make you react.  Of course, I hope you will see something in the abstract that speaks to you and that you feel something as a result, but my motivation is simple.  I am drawn to color, line, shape and balance.  Basically, I like good graphics, I believe that good graphics can evoke good feelings, and I’m all for good feelings.

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